Friday, May 18, 2012

Post Tubby Picnic

I had to bribe my eldest daughter to get in the tubby tonight. I told her that she and sister could have an after tubby time picnic that included mini marshmallows and iced circus cookies. Who wouldn't be happy when sugar is provided right before bedtime??? - Oh yea, the mom!
Look at Paige's smile. She was in H-E-A-V-E-N Happy kids, happy mom!
Just don't get too concerned with my parenting skills. Neither ate all of their treats and were both quickly in bed and asleep.


Deon said...

Pretty much my idea of heaven too! I love those iced circus cookies! Who wants those dull, dry animal crackers when you can have iced circus cookies! I've never been able to figure that one out . . .

Gwyl said...

That was a good idea. I know I appreciate cookies etc in the evening, Looks like the girls really enjoyed it.

Beth said...

Happy girls are the best! (and happy mama too!!!)